Receiving Cases : A Diversion Toolkit for Communities by the Restorative Justice Project
Step 1: Establish a Foundation
A. Youth Criminalization
B. People Harmed
C. Restorative Justice
D. Restorative Justice Diversion
E. The Evidence
F. Interactive Learning
Step 2: Build the Program
A. Program Fit
B. Community Held
C. Community Vision
D. Funding
E. Common Ground
F. Referring Cases
G. Receiving Cases
Step 3: Stay Connected
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Step 2G: Receiving Cases

Are We Ready to be Trained to Receive Cases?

Once the necessary folks in your local juvenile legal system have agreed informally or formally to refer cases to your organization's restorative justice diversion program, it's time to confirm your funding and staffing, and this step reminds you of what that can look like.

Congratulations! By this point, you should be coming off meetings with the DAO and other system partners where you have received informal or formal (in that legal documents have been signed) buy-in for RJD in your community. This is a huge milestone! This section will review steps from previous sections to make sure you have all the resources, materials, logistical information, and staff necessary to receive training and have restorative justice diversion become a reality.

Get Organized

Even if your system partners did not wish to sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU) or standing order that was talked about in Step 2F: Referring Cases, you still want to make sure that everything else is in order so that once you receive training, the documents can get signed and the program can get up and running. That looks like:

  • Make sure the MOU and standing order reflect the changes and modifications you and your system partners needed so there is nothing left to do on them except sign
  • Have identified or confirmed funding for the program
  • Have positions and infrastructure in place to start the program so that once you are trained the program can begin
  • Stay connected and learn about future training and technical assistance opportunities with the Restorative Justice Project at Equal Justice USA

Establish or Confirm Funding

As you learned in Step 2D: Funding, you must consider how you will fund your RJD program. Ensuring funding for your program will support its sustainability and overall success. Funding allows you to build the necessary infrastructure and systems, and fill all the necessary staff roles for your program. Make sure to create a fundraising plan that includes:

Once you have a solid fundraising plan in place, you can track down funding for your RJD program. When you have funding in place, you will be able to hire program staff and obtain the resources to build out your program. Something worth noting is that having system partner buy-in (whether or not they have signed the MOU) makes your funding applications stronger!

Staff Up!

Before receiving further trainings, make sure you’ve hired staff or established who will be holding what roles and positions in your RJD program. Again, every staff member plays an important role in the survival, maintenance, and success of your program. Feel free to revisit both the RJD Org Chart and the RJD Staff Roles & Responsibilities resources to make sure you have what you need to get the program off the ground.

As you can see, the organization chart and roles and responsibilities resources cover the necessary staff roles for a program during the first “pilot” year and for subsequent years as the program expands. To reiterate, in the first year “pilot” program, the minimum necessary positions for an RJD program to be successful are: two facilitators, one program manager, and one administrative assistant. During the first year, these positions will be tasked with all of the responsibilities detailed in the Roles & Responsibilities resource as well as varying levels of the “Expanding Responsibilities.” However, as your program grows and expands in both responsibility and capacity, the “Expanding Responsibilities” listed will quickly become much more complicated. We encourage you to start thinking about how and by whom these responsibilities will get done without overburdening any one position. This may mean hiring new people tasked with the more specialized responsibilities.

Once you have everything sorted out, head over to Step 3: Stay Connected to find out how to work with us!

What If…?

Tools & Resources

Resource: Potential RJD Funding Streams

Resource: RJD Org Chart

Resource: RJD Staff Roles & Responsibilities

2G Checklist

FINALIZE any edits to both MOU and standing order so they are both ready to be signed at any point

IDENTIFY or CONFIRM funding streams for your RJD program

HIRE necessary personnel for your RJD program

Next 3:

Step 3: Stay Connected

Explore training opportunities and sign up for more information from the Restorative Justice Project, including an opportunity for more guided support through an upcoming Restorative Justice Diversion (RJD) Roots Cohort.